CECI Summer Camp!

The Children’s Education Center of the Islands has had a great first 4 weeks of Summer Camp! Thanks to scholarships funded by The Sanctuary Golf Club Foundation and F.I.S.H. CECI’s Summer Camp program is full and flourishing! Although Covid-19 has played a major part in CECI’s daily routines; children are still experiencing an educational, safe, and fun Summer! According to experts, being outdoors is a lower risk for coronavirus than indoors. CECI’s nature-based philosophy and approach to early childhood education is very beneficial to this research.

CECI children have had hands-on experiences with the natural world throughout our weekly themes. Our first week of camp, “Doodlebugs,” campers were inspired daily by the wonderful, interesting, and beautiful aspects of wildlife. During “Hands on Habitat” children created insect hotels and investigated different environments where animals live on our campus. A naturalist from Adventures in Paradise visited our campers to talk about animals that live on the beach. “Critter Camp” invited a variety of animals for children to investigate and observe during the week. Mollusks on the Move paid a visit during “Water, Water Everywhere.” Children were able to have an individual experience to touch and learn all about mollusks.

CECI is looking forward to the remainder of camp with our themes: “Sensing Nature, Cooking With Nature, Argh! Pirates!, and Puddle Stompers.” Although Summer Camp registration is closed, school registration is open! Please visit www.childrenseducationcenter.com or call 239-472-4538 for more information. Scholarships are available for the school year as well!